3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences
(hybrid conference, in-person and online).
July 26th to 28th, 2025, Dallas,TX USA.
We are delighted to announce the 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, as a mixed conference (personal and online conference, at the same time). We will bring together participants from different parts of the world to share ideas, experiences, and research results related to multiple academic fields. The theme of the conference will be “Humanities and Social Sciences in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.” The conference will be a part of a series of conferences around the world.
Call for Conference's Papers
The conference will be organized by the Educational Development and Research Services. This unit is part of Z-PRO Publishing & Distribution Inc. located in Dallas, Texas. The venue of the conference will be in beautiful Dallas, Texas.
The key objectives of the conference are to provide opportunities for academic researchers, students, and professionals in private and public institutions in related disciplines from a range of disciplines and countries to share their research both through the conference podium or on virtual presentations. The conference is both interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary. Papers presented at the 2nd conference will be reviewed and those that pass the peer-review process will be considered for publication in refereed scientific journals approved by the organizing committee, as follows:
1- The Journal of Contemporary Iraq & the Arab World, a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of the contemporary Middle East and Arab public sphere. "https://www.intellectbooks.com/journal-of-contemporary-iraq-the-arab-world", Scopus, USA.
2- Our Scientific journal, " American International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Business", Refereed Journal, USA.
In addition, the conference will provide opportunities for academics to receive informal feedback through discussions and to enable them to establish contact with professionals in other countries and institutions. Among conference activities are tours that aim at "breaking the ice" away from the formalities of the conference hall, providing an informal setting for discussing different points of view and for personal interaction to ultimately build the connections that in turn create lasting international research partnerships.
The final aim of the conference is to introduce academics to educational premises in locations that are suitable for study abroad programs and which may meet their students’ educational needs. Face-to-face exchanges are the most effective means of engaging the international public while broadening dialogue between academics and institutions.
You may participate as a panel organizer, presenter of one paper, chair a session, or observer to facilitate the exchange of ideas on your research and to discuss future developments in your disciplines.
English is the official language of the conference. For those participating from the Middle East, we welcome submissions in Arabic. There will be special sessions in Arabic with instant translation.