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American International Journal of the Humanities, Social Science, and Business

Volume 1 | Number 1 | Year 2023
ISSN: 2995-0422

  • The Anatomy of Political Violence: An Analysis of the Iraqi Uprising and its Aftermath

    Dr. Shak Bernard Hanish, National University, U.S.

    The Social Movements and Political Violence: An International Case paper will define political violence in a general and theoretical sense. It will classify major types of political violence and concentrate on major four types of political violence. Then, it will apply a particular one to an international case of social movement, specifically in Iraq where a popular uprising took place in October 2019 and is currently affecting politics in Iraq. Iraq has witnessed a new wave of protests, but it was unprecedented and almost unique and has distinctive characteristics. These protests included the masses of protesters who felt the flaws of the system and the corruption of the authority, and they realized that the political elite as a whole is unable and/or unwilling to implement their demands. Protesters practiced a variety of methods in expressing their demands, ranging between peaceful demonstrations, civil disobedience, and armed clash. They were accompanied by bloody violent incidents that killed over 800 people and injured tens of thousands. The paper will examine the reasons for the protest, and how and why the government and some armed pro-government groups used violence and assassinations against activists. What was the reaction to the violence? What was the result of the uprising? Did it reach its goals? and what are the prospects of repeated demonstrations and the possibility of regime change? The paper will analyze that and present a future outlook of such a social movement.

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  • Postcoloniality Revisited: Remapping the Politics of Home and Identity in Diana Abu-Jaber’s Crescent

    Rasha Hassooni Abdullah, Bucharest University / Romania, Interdisciplinary Doctoral School ( ISDS) English language and literature

    The controversy over diasporic identity has become one of the hotly debated issues in the contemporary postcolonial diasporic literature. In other words, identity formation and the uncertainty of homeland are, mostly, two crucial subject matters in Diana Abu-Jaber's Crescent, a narrative that makes a daring shift from the traditional perception of home to a more global understanding wherein the sense of home in the in-between space takes place. Abu-Jaber deals with diaspora as an inevitable catalyst that outlives cultural diversity among different cultures. The overwhelming dominance of the in-between space in the reconstruction of diasporic identities is of paramount importance to Abu-Jaber’s fictional world. Thus, the present paper seeks to redefine the boundaries of home and identity in a way that shows Abu-Jaber’s commitment to depict the dilemma of belonging and the meaning of living between diverse identities. Given the fact that home can no longer be thought of as a generalized or unified place, the paper argues that home emerges as an outcome of relationship between the past and the present where memory plays a pivotal role in reshaping fluidity of home in the postcolonial space. Keywords: diaspora, postcolonial, home, identity, belonging, Diana Abu-Jaber.

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  • The Management Motives in Preforming the Practices of Adapting Accounting Numbers and their Ethical Acceptance in the Iraqi Environment

    Ass. Prof. Dr. Asmaa Kahtan M. N. Al-Orfali, Al-Rafidain University College

    The study aims to know the motives that lead the management to practice adapting accounting numbers. and the extent to which the Iraqi environment accepts these practices that take different forms, some of which tend to maintain a fixed number of profit and others to increase or decrease profit according to the need of management. To achieves its aim the study uses a questionnaire distributed as the following: one form for each auditor, one form for each investor in the Iraq Stock Exchange represented by the financial intermediation company, and one form for each accountant or account manager. The study found a set of conclusions; the most important are there are many motives push the management to practice adapting accounting numbers, and the Iraqi environment rejects these practices whatever their motives are, and whether they are performed within the framework of accepted accounting principles or outside the scope of these principles. These practices exist in the Iraqi environment in many forms that vary between income smoothing, accounting conservatism, profit management and fraud and manipulation. These practices accepted in the Iraqi environment when they are done under the name of accounting conservatism and if the size of the distortion caused by them is limited. The study also found that in order to reduce and deter these practices the collaborating efforts of the practitioners of the accounting profession as individuals, their organizations and the concerned parties, needed.

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  • Exploring Memory Strategies to improve EFL Grammar to pre-niversity level

    Sohaib Mahmood Khudhur, ISDS University Of Bucharest

    This research investigates the effectiveness of applying memory methods to improve the acquisition of grammar by pre-university students. Many different memory strategies can help students improve their memory because the information is easy to remember and forget at times. As a result, this study is primarily concerned with specific memory techniques that are extremely useful for students learning new grammatical items for the first time. This study included 20 male and female participants EFL learners at the pre-university level who participated in an hour of Google Classroom instruction. They were randomly divided into two groups: an experimental group and a control group, with the experimental group receiving one hour of instruction. The experimental group received direct instruction on using memory methods while studying grammar. The post-tests were carried out to acquire the necessary information via multiple-choice questions. As a consequence of the study, the experimental group's retention of learned grammatical elements statistically improved, and the researchers concluded that there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups.

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  • Evaluation of the Critical Success Factors of the Food Safety Management System According to ISO 22000:2018: A Case Study in The State Company for Iraqi Food Products

    Dr. Nagham Ali Jasim, College of Administration and Economics /University Of Al -Mustansiriya/Iraq.
    Manar A. Suhail, Al-Nisour University College/Iraq

    The paper aims to evaluate the critical success factors for the implementation of the food safety management system in accordance with the international standard (ISO 22000:2018) and analyze the gap between the actual reality in the Abu Ghraib dairy factories and the critical success factors that help implement the food safety management system. The international standard (ISO 22000:2018) has been divided according to the checklists into two types of critical success factors, the internal factors (leadership, training, performance evaluation, planning, financial resources) and external factors (organization context, risks and opportunities, stakeholders, support), The research relied on the case study approach, and the weighted arithmetic mean and percentage of application and documentation were used to express the extent of the difference and congruence with the critical success factors derived from the standard, The most important results reached by the researcher were that the percentage of applying and documenting these factors amounted to (46.7%), while the percentage of the gap amounted to (53.3%).

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  • دور تقنيتي التكلفة المستهدفة وتكلفة كيزن في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية

    الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور صباح عبدالوهاب النعيمي

    نظرا للتطورات الحاصلة في بيئة الاعمال المعاصرة ولتزايد الضغوط على الوحدات الاقتصادية من اجل اشباع رغبات الزبائن واحتياجاتهم ومن ثم البقاء في سوق المنافسة . ولكي تتمكن الوحدات الاقتصادية من ضمان البقاء والمنافسة في السوق العالمية وجب عليها ان تحسن باستمرار أنشطة اعمالها كافة ابتداءاً من تصميم المنتج وجودته من خلال الالتزام بتعليمات الإنتاجية وإدارة الكلفة وصولا الى خدمة الزبون والطريقة الوحيدة للتحسين المستمر هي القياس المستمر للانشطة التي تضيف قيمة النجاح وعوامله الأساسية للوحدة الاقتصادية وهذا سيحقق الميزة التنافسية. فالميزة التنافسية تمنح الوحدات الاقتصادية قدرة التفوق على أداء المنافسين في الصناعة وهي تحتوي على عدة خصائص حيث انها تحدد بالاعتماد على حاجات ورغبات الزبون كما انها توفر الانسجام بين موارد الوحدة والفرص المتاحة لها في البيئة المحيطة إضافة الى انها تتصف بالديمومة والقوة وصعوبة تقليد المنافسين لها وأخيرا فانها تقدم أساس للتحسينات المستقبلية ومن خلال التوجيه والتحفيز لعموم مفاصل ومكونات الوحدة الاقتصادية ،ولغرض تحقيق هدف البحث فقد تم تقسيمه الى أربعة فصول لتغطية الجانب النظري والعملي . تناول الفصل الاول منهجية البحث وخصص الفصل الثاني للجانب النظري من خلال ثلاثة مباحث،تناول المبحث الاول بعض تقنيات ادارة التكلفه اما المبحث الثاني فخصص لمفهوم الميزة التنافسية ، اما المبحث الثالث فخصص للعلاقة بين تقنيتي التكلفة المستهدفة وتكلفة كيزن والميزة التنافسية،اما الفصل الثالث تناول الجانب العملي لتطبيق تقنيتي التكلفة المستهدفة وتكلفة كيزان ، وفي الفصل الرابع تم عرض الاستنتاجات والتوصيات من خلال مبحثين خصص الأول للاستنتاجات والثاني خصص للتوصيات.

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